Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mowing the Lawn

Today I experienced the joyful concept of mowing my own lawn. Now a regular practice of mine in Zimbabwe was mowing my dad's lawn, but there seemed to be an air of resistance then, a lack of fulfillment. My experience today was so much different.

I found it a hard concept to explain to my wife. I suggested that it may be similar to the way she looks about the house after she has laboured over it with the hoover. I only say that not because that is what women are meant to do, but because there is an air about her, a look of conquest as she turns to me and asks how it looks.
We are funny things men! Such pride in this minor task. Such delight as I yanked off the grass container to the rear of the mower and poured out the freshly hewn green fiber.

You may ask why this is such a new experience for me, and it has nothing to do with laziness (well a tiny bit). Some UK homes are a phenomena in that it astounds me how many houses the English people can fit on a piece of land that would not even measure up to a Zimbabwean garden. These houses are the types we have lived in up until now, so the delight is magnified because God has given me such a fantastic home.

What is that saying about simple minds....


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