Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Well this past Sunday was the first Sunday I got to speak to my people as their appointed Lead Elder, or leader of the Pastoral Team which is a term I prefer. Hard to explain elder to so many people (of course that does not mean that I am not, or am against it, semantics I guess).
We have started a series which has as its purpose the defining, articulating, & cementing of our DNA as a church. Feel that it is fundamental before we move forward in the manner God will have for us and reveal to us, that we know who we are. The series is called V2which mainly is a logo that symbolizes the two words Vision & Values.

Sunday was mainly a foundational message highlighting the importance of Vision & Values as I think there are a huge number of churches that do not know a) Where they are going, b) How they are going to get there, c) Who they are. These are all things that stem from Vision, Values, Mission, Goals etc. They are the fundamental questions that have to be answered or a church will just flounder in anonymity and identity crisis.

Anyway this is a brief summary answering the question WHY VISION, WHY VALUES:
Why Values?

Team, unity, synergy, togetherness, harmony, partnership, the absolutes of fulfilling the mission God has called us to are only possible through shared values. If we seek to pursue a vision that is not birthed out of our shared values it will never happen. Our vision must have (as the firm foundation supporting it) a set of core values that are shared by the ministry team.

Without a certain set of values we will not know why it is we have the vision we have. Without shared values we will not ‘die by one another’s side’ as partners in mission.

That is why values!

Why Vision?

There must be a beautifully painted picture of our future as a church that constantly inspires and invigorates us. A carefully articulated statement of the divinely inspired vision for us will give us the strength to fight when we feel like throwing in the towel; the energy to strive when we must; and the passion to thrive when the reality of ministry in our secular town drains us of all desire.

We want to be something; we know we are called to be something. We have a reason for existence. We know standing still tends to stagnation.
Vision, yes vision, our King’s Vision for who we are meant to be is what will draw us forward to that calling, that being.

That is why vision!

Blessings all


1 comment:

Lorraine Duff said...

Thank you Simon,
The start of V2 this Sunday was amazing - if anyone want to see Simon in action CCKW has placed a video on YouTube (in 4 parts)- I encourage anyone to go view this and you will see feel and be in the Spirit of God (even on a shaky YouTube video).