Monday, January 26, 2009

Lily Allen- 'The Fear'

I have a personal view that at times our secular friends in the music arena, with a minimal concept of the God we serve, JC that is, say things more creatively and effectively about Our God and this world than us Christian brothers and sisters tend to. I dunno it may be that they just hold nothing back, and they are not trying to spin or give some limited view due to their theological or personal commitment.

The reason that I have shared the above is that a recent track by the extremely gifted Lilly Allen called "The Fear" does just that. She hits the nail on the head in so many respects it is simply brilliant.
The gist of the song is that as a young girl she is gripped by the fear that life has lost its meaning. It is not about jobs or goodness it is about celebrity and money. Why stay clothed when you can get naked and make money. She states that she is not really a saint, and, actually, not really a sinner, in fact all is cool and good 'cause [she's] getting thinner.'

Give it a listen by searching for the Youtube Video of the track on the right (just copy and paste the title of this blog into the search engine and you will find it). You may want to look for the 'clean' version if that type of thing is very important to you. removes some of the raw feel and expressiveness of it, but is better for Christian ears I guess.

Give me your thoughts, I think what she says is alarmingly reflective of how we should feel about the tragedy of consumer-celebrity-culture.


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