I have sadly gone through a season of simply reading the word of God. Some of you might say, "Well hey Simon, I don't even really do that." Well let me tell you that is a drastically sad situation for you, but for me I find it tragic that all I have done is set myself the task of reading it on a day by day basis. Why do I say this? Well for many reasons I guess.
The emotional reason behind why I am writing these words is because only last week I re-committed to doing what I, believe it or not, used to do as a really young believer. I re-committed to studying the word of God and trying to meditate upon it, ingesting the words that God inspired a multitude of writers to pen in order that I may know Him intimately. Highlighting the verses and words that seem to just jump off the page speaking of the magnitude and wonder of this God who has chosen to love me. Already I feel as if I am drawing nearer to Him who made me, and feeling my faith being renewed. It is great! It is where I should seek to be on a consistent basis, for my life is so much emptier without it.
So I, in grace, challenge you. Meditate on His word daily. Eat it, chew on it; let it define who you are and allow it to transform you into the likeness of Him who is the very likeness of God- the logos, the WORD, Jesus Christ.
Will you...
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