Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sinclair Ferguson on Archegos

Once again my miniscule knowledge has been exposed by the brilliant mind of a far wiser, far more intelligent man of God. It's Sinclair ferguson this time. Here is what he writes regarding Christ as Archegos (it's Greek).

Perhaps the most intriguing title for Jesus in the [book of Hebrews] is 'author.' He is called the 'author of...salvation' and the 'author... of our faith' (Heb. 2:10; 12:2, NIV)...

Adam was the first archegos. He was called to lead the human race in obedience, through testing, to the destination of glory. He sinned and failed, falling short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). This world became a jungle where man and God, man and Satan, man and woman, man and beast, man and his environment, and man and his brother have all become entangled in hostility (Gen. 3:8-19; 4:1-12).

Jesus came as the second archegos, the second representative man (I Cor. 15:45-47). He entered the jungle. He broke through and subdued all its opposition to God. He dealt with God's solemn curse (Gen. 3:14, 17) and opened the way into God's presence for all who believe in and follow Him (Heb. 10:19-20).
The Son of God took our human nature and entered into our fallen, sin-ravaged environment. he lived a life of perfect obedience for the glory of God. Bearing God's judgment against our sin on the cross, he experienced the divine curse. Now divine blessing and restoration flow to us along the path of grace He has opened (Gal. 3:13).


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