Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Order out of Chaos

God is about redemption! One day their will be a conclusive and glorious reconciliation of all reality to that perfect form known as the 'new heavens and the new earth' that the scriptures repeatedly allude to.
It is essential we hold fast to this truth; when life gets very much into the 'nitty gritty' it is these glorious truths that give us hope. Even in the very beginning we get a picture of the redemptive power of our wonderful God. Out of chaos comes a creation more lovely and wonderful than any poet has managed to articulate. As in creation so in our lives!

The lovely wife and I have had a strangely hectic and difficult beginning to this year (hence the lack of blogs for over 5 weeks, apologies). There has been painful loss, literal homelessness, much traveling and an assortment of other things that have left us floundering (is that supposed to happen to someone in full time ministry- surely not!). Yet in the midst of this God works to redeem, to bring clarity and restoration. What a faithful King He is! It is hard to fully ascertain in the moment what it is His divine hand is producing within our lives but there are enough reminders in His word to us that pain, difficulty and hardship 'are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us.' (Ro. 8:18)

Remember this friends. It does not eradicate the pain and difficulty but it gives purpose, redemptive shaping purpose, to it. may we continue to revel in His grace!

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