Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Malachi Update

Yes the little wonder-kid continues to change as each day passes us by. In the two weeks that we were in Texas (January) the change was quite literally mind-boggling.
The little guy has gone from his strange little military crawl/drag/ worm move to an all out 4 'limb drive' crawl. It is quite humorous actually. You can hold him above the ground and place him down with an effect similar to that of a landing aeroplane: a puff of smoke and the distinctive sound of rubber squealing. Yip he is a crazy kid. Again and again as early parents you hear the phrase, "Oh just wait, soon he will be into everything." Well in naivety one tends to think, "not our kid,' but HELLO it is absolutely mental! He can cover ground in dazzling speed getting his little mits on to everything. And if anything is of a nature that is not suitable for him to play with (live electrical wires etc.) it is these things that hold the greatest magnetic power to an 8 month old apparently.

He has finally broken through (note the pun) his stage of being 'dentally challenged'. There is ivory all over the boys mouth. In fact one of his big teeth growing through his top gum is more like an elephant's tusk than a tooth (size for size of course). So the little guy is changing unbelievably. Rumour has it that he becomes increasingly cuter which is wonderful news I guess, although quite hard to believe considering how stunning the little guy is. He pulls himself up on everything and quite amazingly strolls along the side of objects (falling over and whacking your head is part and parcel of this exercise) so I guess my next report will be that he is walking...oh no!

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