Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Jonathan Edwards on the 'minister.'

A little taste of Jonathan Edwards' thoughts on a minister/pastor/church leader;

"If the minister is to be successful watching over his flock, he must be a man of 'holy ardour. It is not enough to have 'speculative knowledge or opinions, or outward morality or forms of religion.' True faith 'is an ardent thing with true spiritual comfort or joy.' The heart of the good minister 'blazes with divine love or charity,' which is 'a holy flame enkindled in the soul.' He will likely suffer reproaches and defeats if he preaches the true gospel, but he will still have an inner power that comes from the 'participation in the divine nature',' which is a divine principle -- 'the life of a risen Saviour, who exerts himself in the hearts' of all true saints and their ministers. The Saviour will within will inspire a love to both Christ and human souls. That love will produce a fervour or zeal that animates the minister's prayer, preaching, exercise of church discipline and counselling.

A life of secret prayer is what keeps the inner flame growing brightly. Ministers 'should be much in seeking God, and conversing with him by prayer who is the fountain of light and love.'"

Quoted from The Theology of Jonathan Edwards, McClymond and McDermot (2011)

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